
The Tokenomics are at core of every crypto token and put the technical abilities, as well as distribution of any crypto asset in numbers. On this page you will learn about our unique Tokenomics and how we use them to allocate funds. This is merely a rough representation to give our investors an overview of how CLEAN and CleanOcean work. CLEAN has a 10% transaction fee, that will be applied whenever you buy, sell or send CLEAN tokens to another wallet. These fees exist to fuel our Liquidity Pool, which is essential for the tradability of any asset. We also use these fees to generate an interest system, usually called “holder reflection” or “yield-farming”. This means, you will earn more tokens over time, simply by holding them. For more information about our Tokenomics, please refer to our official WhitePaper.


Liquidity & Dev Wallet locked

Marketing & Burn
2% of transaction fees are used for marketing, to help this project grow. Also Tokens collecting in this wallet is also used for autoburn.
Investing in Ocean-Cleanup

4% of the transaction fees and profits is used to clean our oceans and reach our eco-goals.

Total supply


Profit for holders

2% of transaction fees go straight to all holders!

Auto liquidity

2% of transaction fees go into the liquidity pool

Presale Token Distribution

No Data Found

Current Token Distribution

No Data Found


No Data Found

Transaction Fee Distribution

No Data Found

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